Your website is the most important component of your company’s marketing plan and at Electrovese, we are equipped to develop the right technology solution to help bring your ideas to life. We understand that your website is the central hub for all your marketing efforts and all other marketing materials should support and drive traffic to your website.


Chat Bot

Artificial Intelligence (AI) based chat bots for apps.

Location Based Services

Hyperlocal Uber like apps with location based functionalities

Live Chat

Whatsapp like realtime chat apps with multiple other addons.

Bluetooth Apps

Apps with bluetooth integration, BLE devices.

Video Streaming

Live video streaming with bandwidth management capabilities.

Camera Features

Core camera functionalities with filters and image processing capabilities.

CRM Tools

CRM tools to manage and analyze customer interactions and data

Business Intelligence Softwares

Business Intelligence Softwares to retrieve, analyze, and transform data into meaningful information.

E-commerce Platforms

E-Commerce platform that reach millions and sell products and services online.

Looking for an Advisor ?

Asgard professionals are always excited at the opportunity to help companies innovate.